Michael DJing at our customer celebration event.
“The things I do at Look Ahead will help me in the future”
I’ve lived here since April 2015; before that I lived in my mum’s house. I wanted to live here to get new skills and experiences so I can live on my own in the future. I like living here and sometimes my mum comes to visit.
The staff help me with my busy schedule and they help me cook. I like cooking and I can make things like pasta, chicken, fish, pizza and vegetables.
I’m busy because I help out at my service and at Look Ahead a lot. I’m a customer rep which means I help staff members organise meetings where we discuss issues. I also help organise activities – I run karaoke on Monday night and DJ, and we all have a meal together on Wednesday nights. There is also a monthly activity that we as customers organise. I helped to design the monthly activity planner.
I also help Look Ahead by being a Quality Checker. I go and visit services and talk to the staff and customers. I like doing that. I also am on the Customer Services Committee where customers talk about what’s important to them and help Look Ahead improve.
The things I do at Look Ahead will help me in the future when I leave here to go and live on my own in the community.

Michael takes up opportunities both at his service and within the wider organisation.

"When he first moved in I was worried about how he was going to cope, but he’s been supported very well”
Read Linda's story